Dashboard Warning Lights – Do you know what these mean?

Cars have many lights and symbols on them now, but can you identify some that might light up on your car when you have a problem?
There are 8 Lights displayed below so just for fun, take a look and see how many you get right.

1. oil_pressure_light_72

2. batt_light_72

3.  brake_fluid_light_72

4.  dpf-warning-light-small

5.  eng_man_light_72

6.  abs_light_72

7.  brake_and_abs_light

8.  water_trap_light_72

How many did you get right?

Answers: (1.Oil Pressure Warning Light, 2. Battery Warning Light, 3.Brake System Warning Light, 4. Diesel Particulated Filter, 5. Engine Warning Light, 6.ABS Warning Light, 7.Brakes & ABS Warning Light, 8.Fuel Filter Water Trap (Diesel Engines).