Battery drain suspected on your car ?
Its a frequent occurance for us to be called out to a car that has a battery drain. Many times the customer has either taken the car elsewhere already and is still experiencing problems or replaced the battery or alternator and still getting a flat battery.
Cars have become so advanced now with many computers and systems, which can develop faults that drain the vehicles battery.
Customers often think that the faults with the battery so they change this. When the problem persists some also change their alternator as they think its not charging. This is normally when they admit defeat and call us. We then find many different things that cause drains, its different most times. Once its been pinpointed and rectified, the problem goes away and the customer says ” I wish I had called you first, I wouldn’t of spent £100’s on a new battery or alternator “.
So don’t assume that its a faulty battery or alternator, get it checked by our auto electrican. Yes, it will still cost you to find out whats causing the drain, but you won’t spend money on parts you don’t need and will be able to address the actual problem.
Battery drains have become a really common fault. We get called out to many of these and no two are ever the same. If you think your experiencing a drain then get in touch and let us investgate this for you.