Diesel Particulate Filter Removal finally being policed

Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) Removal finally being policed by the DVSA.

Nearly a year ago we wrote about changes that were due to be introduced regarding MOT tests and the removal of Diesel Particulate Filters (DPFs). We also discussed the penalties to car owners for driving a non compliant vehicle. The DVSA are finally cracking down on Garages and MOT Testers who offer a DPF(Diesel Particulate Filter) Removal Service.

The DVSA have given Two Sheffield Testers, a 2 year ban after being found to be selling DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter) Removal Services, see link below to read the full story.

To Read about the MOT Testing ban for Mechanics carrying out DPF Removal please click here.

Diesel Particulate Filter


We have always advised customers that this is not a service we will provide and explained to them the impact that removal would have on the Environment and the Law under the Road Vehicle Regulations, we are pleased to see that the DVSA are cracking down on those garages that feel this kind of practice is acceptable.

The installation of DPF’s (Diesel Particulate Filters)in vehicles has long been a gripping point for vehicle owners, however if you consider the long term effects to the environment and the health of UK citizens they can only be a good thing.

The most important thing any vehicle owner can do is regularly service their vehicle. If you fail to renew oil and filters on an annual basis, the carbon deposits will build up within the engine causing premature wear on components and potentially causing the DPF(Diesel Particulate Filter) to block up.

By not servicing your vehicle you reduce the vehicles performance, efficiency and longevity. This is avoidable!


So how long ago did you have your car last serviced? Is it due ?

Look after you car and it will look after you!